If you believe that a site hosted on Webflow is infringing on your trademark, please fill out the form below.
Webflow is a technology platform that enables anyone to create for the web. Webflow does not review or edit sites built using Webflow and is not in a position to determine the legality of their content. However, it is important to us that Webflow users respect the intellectual property rights of others.
The web form below is specifically designed for submitting trademark takedown notices. If you have a good-faith belief that a site built using Webflow is infringing on a trademark owned by you or an organization you represent, you can use the form below to send us an official complaint. If you prefer, you can also send us a complaint by email or postal mail by following the instructions in our Terms of Service.
Please note that submitting a trademark takedown notice is a serious matter. If you knowingly submit misleading or fraudulent reports of infringement, you may be exposing yourself to legal consequences.
Keep in mind that we will share a copy of this notice with the reported party, who may use your email address, phone number, or mailing address to contact you.
Keep in mind that we will share a copy of this notice with the reported party, who may use your email address, phone number, or mailing address to contact you.
Keep in mind that we will share a copy of this notice with the reported party, who may use your email address, phone number, or mailing address to contact you.
By typing your full name in the signature field, you are providing us with your digital signature, which is as legally binding as your physical signature. Please note that your signature must exactly match the first and last names entered at the top of this form.